👋 Hey! I’m Esther. An active mom and marketing executive (Microsoft, then startups) who became slightly obsessed with hormone health somewhere between postpartum and perimenopause.

I created this space for my friends struggling to identify and manage hormone related symptoms at 35+

Many women in midlife feel like garbage. We suffer needlessly because we are living in a system that isn’t educated in—or designed to—optimize our quality of life when hormones start to shift.

I ran smack dab into the brokenness of our healthcare system trying to find answers for my symptoms between postpartum and perimenopause. Now I’m sharing my research to help you be more efficient with your resources, and bring clarity to where there are still huge opportunities for impact.

Join the movement

Be part of a not-so-secret society of women taking control of their health in midlife. Imagine how we will change the world when every person born with ovaries feels full of energy, free of pain, physically strong, and cognitively sharp. It’s your life. LFG.

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The efficient guide to navigating perimenopause. Join the not-so-secret society of women taking control of their hormone health in midlife.


Active mom and marketing executive who became slightly obsessed with hormone health somewhere between postpartum and perimenopause. Sharing my research to help others born with ovaries find solutions and feel fantastic in midlife.